Here’s a little tidbit of news for those of you popping on by. It’s All Fun and Games was recently added to a curated list over at Ezvid Wiki, the “largest and most comprehensive video wiki on the planet.” The list, titled “10 Imaginative YA Novels Featuring Heroines With Magical Gifts” ranks It’s All Fun and Games at number 9 (though I’m not sure if the numbers denote a ranking or just a list).
Now completely aside from the coolness of being on a list, I have to say that the Ezvid wiki thing is pretty neat. My first thought was “egad, that’s got to be a computer voice,” and when I went looking around at the system, it totally is. Not only that, but the actual video wikis are all built by AI as well. You enter the text that you want to be narrated, and their system automatically creates videos based on (presumably) public domain images and videos. So when the narrator says “nerdy games” small inset screens display a hand moving chess pieces around a board and someone playing a console video game.
The page also includes a bunch of other cool stuff, such as a list of “Great Fantasy Movies with Female Protagonists,” a series of links to “Fun Activities for Fantasy Fans,” and even a TED Talk on why Fantasy matters.
There’s no byline, so I don’t know who to credit for the work, but whoever it was, thanks!