Photo copyright 2014 Tony Llerena Photography
Having graduated from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA with a degree in Accounting/Economics, Dave set off to work in public accounting for Arthur Andersen in Boston. Thoroughly hating it, he quit after three years to pursue a graduate degree to do his dream job: teaching the next generation of CPAs. He hopes that most of them don't hate it too.
Dave is a lifelong gamer, having begun playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons at the age of eight, when his older brother brought it home from high school. His current poison is Pathfinder, though he has a great fondness for the Legend of the Shattered Empires, published by Paradigm Concepts Inc. Passing the gift on to the next generation, he Dungeon Masters for his kids and their friends.
Dave now lives in Maine, where he teaches Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis at the University of Maine in Orono, and is regularly described as being "not what I pictured accountants to be like." He's married and has three children, for whom he wrote It's All Fun and Games, his first published novel.